Gourdy the Duck Lamp


Meet Gourdy, a handsome little nature loving duck. You know it's good luck to have a bluebird on your shoulder, but even more so when you also have one in hand!

Gourdy's flower lamp shines a little well needed warm light on things around him and his little bluebird friends.

He's made with paper and epoxy clay over a natural gourd foundation (alas his name). You may notice the gourd stem on the top of his garden hat. The gourd was cleaned, cut and its seeds removed. The piece was then given a wire armature, reinforced with epoxy clay then electrically wired and mounted to a hardwood base. The paper clay was added over the armature, hand painted, finished with a protective poly finish.

This lamp is part of the Opera House Line, a division of Lori Small Studios. You can see the full line and learn more about the light sculptures at www.operahouselamps.com.

The lamp petals are made in a similar fashion to other lamps in the Opera House Lamps line, the variation here is that the petals are shaped of wire (instead of reed). Then the same process of layer upon layer of glue soaked tissue is used. Fabric petals were also added to soften, enhance and add detail to the flower.

This sculpture/lamp is an original, one-of-a-kind creation, never copied or mass produced.

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