Lori Small

Lori Small

Artist, Sculptor, Creative

Is there anything about you that doesn’t fit with the ‘artist’ label?   Artists are known for being a messy and unorganized lot or at least that’s the stereotype. I happen to be a neatnik and I am dangerously organized. I’ve always been equally right and left brained.

What type training do you have? I have a BS in Business & Marketing and a BS in Interior Design. Outside of that, the artistic and design skills I’ve developed are entirely self taught but have been  highly influenced by my parents who are very creative in their own right.

How is your personality reflected in your work?   I love the outdoors and I have a real passion for animals so you’ll see that as well as my penchant for rustic, vintage things with character.


Who is your dream client?   Someone who is collaborative without taking away the creative spirit necessary to achieve great work. There is a difference in hiring someone to execute an idea and hiring someone to bring one to life.

How has your work life evolved?   I spent the majority of my career as an executive, designing lines of consumer products and leading very successful teams. I was good at it. I enjoyed it. But, like many people, I wasn’t doing the work that, had money been no object, really, truly, in-my-gut, motivated me. Now I am. It’s true when they say, “Do what you love”. One project leads to another and another….

What do you believe in?   I believe in natures’ ability to calm the soul. Take a walk in the woods or a stroll on the beach, breathe deeply, touch things, feel the textures and don’t forget to look up… Tell me you don’t feel better….enough said.

What do you wish someone would ask you to create?   I think it would be great to work with a children’s hospital to create a menagerie of animals for their walls. And If that sounds too noble, I’d also love to be commissioned for an on-site job somewhere exotic.

What are you most proud of?   Of wearing many hats, I think. I’m always testing the limits of my core competency….and there are surely limits! I’ve done the corporate gig, spent years in marketing & product design and traveled the globe doing it. But I’m most proud of the things I’ve taught myself over the years, whether corporately or personally. There is a great satisfaction in figuring out ways to accomplish things you’ve never done before. I enjoy being thrown in over my head and finding my own way to swim.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?   To let go of the things I know for certain…because if they aren’t really certainties after all many new possibilities can suddenly open up.

How do you overcome creative blocks?   The best thing for me is to take a break and stop obsessing for a day or so. Margaritas also help….



Why is there a bear in your logo?  My nickname has been “Bear” for many years and I have an affinity for black bears in particular. It just seemed fitting to include one in my brand identity.

Where is your studio or work space?   I’m lucky enough to have two studios, one outside of Chicago, IL and the other just north of Asheville, NC (my home town) in the Tennessee highlands.


“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities.
In the expert’s mind there are few.” -Shunryu Suzuki

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